Upcoming events.

Donate Clothing to Our House
We will be donating to “Our House”, which is a shelter that empowers homeless and new-homeless families and individuals to succeed in the workforce, in school and in life, through hard work, wise decision-making and active participation in the community. They desire gently used items of all sizes for men, women, boys’ and girls’ clothing, shoes, purses, jewelry and coats etc. (please no stained or torn clothing). We are so blessed that many of us can gleam right from our own closets and bless this shelter.
Please drop off clothing items at Philadelphia M.B.C between 9:30 am-10:30am Saturday March 22nd , 2025.
Midwestern District Ushers Program
Our Middlewestern District Ushers Program will be Sunday, March 23rd @ 2:30 p.m. @ Rock of Ages Missionary Baptist Church, 8112 Bicentennial Rd, North Little Rock AR. The speaker will be Rev. Edward Sharp, Sr. The ushers are requesting your presence, support and prayers.
Thank you to all the pastors, ministers and members for your continued support of our District Ushers, it is greatly appreciated and will always be remembered.
If you have any questions, please contact Brother James Fuller.
On behalf of:
Deacon/Brother James Fuller, Usher President

MWD SpringFellowship Program
You are invited to the MWD Spring Fellowship Program. Sunday, March 9, 2025
at 2:30 p.m. Come and celebrate the blessings of God with us. Theme: “How to
Stay Positive in Difficult times...” Philippians 4:13. The Program will be held at
Union Baptist Church in Conway, Arkansas, where Rev. Rick Garner is the Pastor.
The sermon will be given by Pastor Gerald Jagers, Pastor of United Baptist Church,
Conway, Arkansas. The Middlewestern District Mass Choir and United Baptist
Choir will render praise and worship songs.

The Deacon’s Wives under the Woman’s Auxiliary, along with other ministries within our churches
who have partnered with us, will prepare a hot meal for the individuals who reside at the
homeless shelter. The location is 1115 Parkway, Conway, AR. The date is June 5th, 2025, at
5:30pm. Please see attachment of churches who have volunteered and/or asked to bring a
specific item for this meal.

Event One
Greetings in the Name of our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ!
The purpose of this letter is to announce that the Middlewestern District’s Sisters of Hope Ministry will be hosting a Sneaker Ball on Saturday, February 8 from 4:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. at the A.L. Perkins Life Center (Palarm Chapel Baptist Church), located at 793 AR-365, Mayflower, AR where Rev. P. E. Davenport is the pastor.
Sis. Indya Tolefree, member of New Jerusalem Baptist Church, will be bringing an encouraging word, refreshments will be provided, and fun & fellowship will be had by all.
Please note that this ministry is designed for young ladies, 7th grade – 25 years, who have a desire to develop, build and strengthen themselves in Christ.
We are asking the Youth Director or a representative from your church RSVP to 501-269-2892 with the number of attendees from your church. Please reply by Wednesday, February 5, 2025. This event is free, but an opportunity to give to this ministry will be offered. Any check donations should be made payable to the Middlewestern District Baptist Association.
The dress attire is semi formal with sneakers. Please no jeans and t-shirts.
Please SAVE THE DATE for our PJ’s & PIZZA SLUMBER PARTY to be held Friday, May 30, 2025. More details to come!!
Sis. Penny McCray – 501-269-2892
Sis. Lorie Williams – 501-472-5085

Diapers and Wipes Drive
This year we will be collecting diapers and wipes, which will benefit such agencies as Choosing to Excel, Abundant Life, Conway Cradle Care etc., The agencies’ mission is to empower expectant and parenting adolescents by meeting the developmental needs of their children and providing opportunities to further their education. We are asking each of you to please partner with the ministries within your church to donate diapers and wipes to assist these young mothers.

2025 Outreach Mission Ministries.
Greetings Deacon Wives in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
It’s a New Year and New Mercies and we Praise God for his many blessings in whom we are eternally
I would like to take this opportunity to once again, THANK each of you who participated and
contributed last year by donating socks to the various nursing homes, providing a meal for the residents
at the Bethlehem House, and collecting Snacks for Backpacks. Truly these agencies/schools were
extremely thankful to receive such a blessing, as most needed the supplies donated by the
Middlewestern District. To God be the Glory!
The time is upon us to make preparations for our 2025 Outreach Mission Ministries.
There will be a planning meeting on Saturday, January 25 th 2025 via teleconference from 9:00a.m.-
10:00am. Teleconference: # 1- 978-990-5000, Access Code: 554566.
It is our sincere desire that as many Deacon Wives will prepare to attend this meeting. If for any
reason you are not able to attend the scheduled meeting, please consider sending a representative so
that you will know what was discussed, as well as what organizations we will be assisting this year.
We all want to be on one accord.
Should you have concerns or just desire additional information regarding the aforementioned, please
feel free to contact Sis. Green, @ 501 499-0122.
May God continue to bless you, as we continue to be a blessing to others.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sis. Lorie Williams, Middlewestern District Woman’s President
Sis. Kimberly Green, District Deacon Wives, Chairperson
Dr. Charles E Brown, Moderator